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Prevent Eye Cancer and other eye problems

Most of us take our eyes for granted. They have always been there…they have always “worked”…but will they always be reliable and functional?

The answer is no. For some reason, eyes tend to be an after thought. An after thought, that is…until something happens to them.

When that day comes, we run around trying to get the best doctors, the best lenses for our eyeglasses, the best sunglasses…but by that time…the damage has been done.

Prevention…prevention…prevention is the key.

Just as we worry about skin cancer…we should also be worrying about eye cancer. The American Cancer Society says that because of the clear association between sunlight and melanomas of the skin, your exposure to intense sunlight should be limited. The proper clothing and sunscreen should be used and your eyes should not be forgotten.

“Quality” UV protected sunglasses that filter out 99% to 100% of UVA & UVB light are necessary. Please keep in mind that most inexpensive sunglasses only filter out UVA and only if the lenses are not scratched.

Wrap-around styles with the same filter requirements provide the best protection. This will not only help to prevent developing skin cancers around the eyes, but may also help to fight off melanoma in the eyes.

If you have a family history of Macular Degeneration, good sunglasses are a must…don’t delay…get a good pair now. There is no cure for Macular Degeneration. Prevention is your only hope.

Cataracts are an aging process that most of us will have to deal with. But why deal with cataracts at age 50 when you can put them off until your late 70’s or 80’s…just by wearing the proper eyewear? I think that question is a no brainier.

As an added note, for the majority of people who develop cataracts, the older you are when you have cataract surgery…the quicker and better you heal. The looser the eye muscles the faster the healing process.

So when you go outside, take care of your body…including your eyes. Prevention is your best defense.

  • Wear proper clothing

  • Put on sunscreen

  • Remember your sunglasses

  • And top it all off with a hat

According to new studies:

Infants and children less than 10 years of age may be at increased risk for retinal injury because the transmissibility of the lens to damaging visible blue and UV light is greatest during this period.

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